Probability Of Slot Machine Formula

For example for a three slot machine with six symbols a piece, the number possible combinations is 6 × 6 × 6 = 216. Although I have never played on one (knowingly), you could have a slot machine were each slot itself has a different amount of symbols. Calculating the probability of winning on a slot machine is fairly simple. To calculate the payout of the slot machine, modify the formula a little: Σ (winning combinationk. possible yieldk) / (Total number of combinations) Let’s analyze a few basic slot machines. A slot machine has three slots; each will show a cherry, a lemon, a star, or a bar when spun. The player wins if all three slots show the same three items. If each of the four items is equally likely to appear on a given spin, what is your probability of winning? (Enter an exact number as an integer, fraction, or decimal.) I have tried 1/64, 1/12, 1/4. What am i doing wrong. Keywords: problem gambling, slot machines, video slots, PAR Sheets, structural characteristics, reinforcement schedules Introduction Slot machines are a very popular form of gambling in North America. For example, Ontario, Canada, has approximately 23,000 slot machines, which in the fiscal year 2002.

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My brain has started to dribble with all the permutation calculation.
I need to lie down in a darkened room for a few days. However I keep getting a painful reminder from the Instructables robot that I need to decide on the best answer.
So a big thank you to all responders for your time.
While my brain's regenerating:- Lemonie ( irrational tendency towards fellow countryperson ( and you are PRO) and Seandogue ( keep your miss-spelled maps to yourself ( and you are PRO too ) please submit your final pitch in this Maths-Off because I still need to feel that I know what I'm talking about when I try to explain it to my kids - and although you seem to know of what you speak of, I can see both your answers are very different.
Remember: Three wheels each contain three identical images - in the same order. The chances of three matching images coming up are?........